The Gap

The Gap Play and Learn Centre includes infants from 6wks – 3yrs and a Kindergarten program for our 4yr-5yr olds.

“Our programs are play based aimed with knowledge that children learn best when provided with opportunities and environments to freely engage with the world around them in pursuit of their own interests and curiosities.  The classroom environments are full of innovative and original activities that allow children time and space to explore and learn.  Early Childhood Services are a platform in which children can practice the skills required for their futures such as friendships, exploring and understanding emotions and ultimately discovering their own footprint within the broader community.”

— Vanessa Urquhart, The Gap Service Director


What Parents are Saying…

“My two children are at The Gap Play and Learn since it opened and enjoy going there every day, which was not the case with our previous two day-cares. Each morning the staff is welcoming my children making drop-offs easy and quick. Given the low turnover, my children were able to form strong bonds with every staff and love all of them. The director and educator listen and follow up on each problem and suggestion. The educators have a great program which also supports each child individually.”

— Martha and Frank Wiedenluebbert


“Having been a part of Play and Learn The Gap since its opening in 2019 we have always felt that our precious child is in the best hands possible when they can’t be with us.

A welcoming service with warm, friendly and highly qualified staff and the latest and greatest resources and programs.

We are confident that our child is learning and growing within a nurturing service whilst at Play and Learn.”

— Kirsty McDonald and David Burke


“We have loved watching our girl learn and grow at the Play and Learn centre here in The Gap. At the end of the day she loves replaying her events and I know the connections she has made there with educators and other kids means she had a value packed day!”

— Kathleen Luck


“We have LOVED Play and Learn for our 4yo. They took on her Type 1 diabetes management plan with ease and with no troubles at all. Stress free for myself to have her in the hands of wonderful carer’s.”

— Kayla Brown

Our Team

Vanessa Urquhart
Vanessa Urquhart
Service Director


Infants (6 weeks – 18 months)

Play and Learn The Gap’s Infant room is licensed for 8 infants with 2 permanently employed educators.

Experience with infants over the years has taught us that sometimes babies are not predictable and a third educator may be employed to assist with the room.

Several factors will be considered in determining when three educators will work in this group they include;

  • How many bookings there is on each day – no point having three educators with one baby.
  • If a new infant is to start at the service – extra help is often needed while settling and bonding with children.
  • The ages within the group.
  • The individual needs of each infant.


Our main focus in the room is forming secure attachments with your baby. Secure attachments and trust develop when we respond consistently, sensitively and confidently. Our attachment however will not affect your babies’ attachment to you – it helps them be close to people.

Current research very clearly tells us that babies who experience any care that is unresponsive, unpredictable or threatening may develop problems developing trust and attachment, this often affects a child’s overall development.

What we will do to establish Infant connections

  • Connect with parents so you feel relaxed and confident in using the service.
  • Smile at your baby – so simple but so powerful
  • Cuddle
  • Sing
  • Baby massage or bath
  • Read Stories
  • Have tummy time and encourage your child to reach their infant milestones.
Toddlers (18 months – 2.5 years)

The Gap Toddler child care room is licensed for 12 children with 3 permanently employed educators.

Settling children is again our main focus in this age grouping as now children are very aware when their primary caregivers have left.

Anxious and stressed children find it difficult to learn anything so bonding and establishing relationships with your child is vitally important.


Our Toddlers have many opportunities to join in fun and educational experiences throughout the day. Informing us about what your Toddler loves to do helps us to plan for the transition from home to the centre.

Toddlers are developmentally egocentric. So helping Toddlers understand that there are other children in the group who may want to play with the same trucks is really tricky!! In helping this we deliberately set up our environments with multiple equipment that is the same or similar. Having one off pieces of equipment sets children up for challenges. However not everything can be avoided and nor should it, our educators are skilled in helping Toddlers learn life’s social skills.

Similarly, your child’s sensory motor development is vitally important. The Toddlers years see rapid growth in your child’s sensory motor systems and it is these systems that provide your child with the foundations for academic learning.

To continue developing the sensory motor systems we will

  • Crawl / Spin / Creep / Climb / Jump
  • Dance
  • Explore messy play – please supply old clothes
  • Skip / hop / throw / catch
  • Sing / play music
Junior Kindy & Kindy (2 years – 4 years)

Play and Learn The Gap Kindy program cater for children 2-4 yrs, we have two Kindy rooms.

Jnr Kindy which is licensed for 20 children aged approx. 2.5 yrs – 3 yrs with 4 permanently employed educators and Senior Kindy which is licensed for 22 children aged approx. 3 yrs – 4 yrs with 2 permanently employed staff.

The service will be flexible with age groupings to meet the needs of our children our families and the community.

Remaining flexible with age grouping allows for children of the same family to be together or children who are friends to remain together while settling.


Within this age group our educators are planning activities that develop the integrations of two brain hemispheres, fine hand co-ordination, sense of direction, awareness of time and many other really important areas of development.

So often we hear parents say “When will they learn their colours, their numbers and letters” and although this is somewhat important they ARE NOT the markers for a child’s ongoing success and later learning. What I mean is a child may be able to recite the alphabet but unable to sit for a story or problem solve with peers.

Our service looks at children holistically across many areas of development some that cannot be seen nor measured nor sent home on a piece of paper but please note we are always thinking planning and evaluating all that we do.

In our Kindy groups we will be

  • Running
  • Playing ball
  • Drawing
  • Painting and some days it will be messy.
  • Water play
  • Listening to story / music
  • Playdough and clay
  • Climbing…….parents look away if you have to….! But small risky play is vital and if we deny children of risk taking in Early Childhood they will take greater risks as adolescents and these risks will have far graver consequences. So please allow us to be at the top of the fort…
Pre-Prep (4 years – 5 years)

Our Pre-prep program at The Gap Play and Learn is our Approved Kindergarten program led by our Early Childhood Teacher.

The room is licenced for 22 children with 1 Teacher and 1 Assistant and children in this room who are then moving to Prep will be 4yrs old by June 30th.

Let’s get ready for Prep …….not really at Play and Learn The Gap!! What??? What is being ready anyway? It will be so different for each child and each family. So often parents rely on markers such as knowing colours and letters as being school ready and that could not be further than the truth.

Prep teachers often tell us that if a child can look after their own belongings at school they will be eternally grateful…. But that doesn’t sound as glamorous at the end of the day does it…. “ the way your Billy put his pencil in the pencil holder today” said NO Teacher ever…..but at Play and Learn The Gap those life skills are just as important as learning our colours.

Our kindergarten program is based on the Queensland Curriculum guidelines and a copy can be found at


We look at children holistically and our programs are play centered – (hence our name) Block play, games, puzzles, arts and crafts, dress ups, dancing, stories and singing are just a few things your child will enjoy.

Fun environments ensure that children learn best. When children are pressured to rote learn, recite and spend long periods of being directed and lectured by adults learning actually becomes far more difficult. When it happens naturally driven by children interests it has greater meaning and therefore retained more easily.

Getting ready for prep is:

  • Using language to communicate ideas and feelings.
  • Co-operating with peers without hitting /pushing and biting.
  • Adjust to separating from their primary caregiver
  • Working independently
  • Expressing ideas and thoughts though the arts
  • Developing language for problem solving i.e. Words like “lets negotiate”
  • Mastering fine and gross motor skills – I cannot write if I don’t know where my body is in time and space.

Fee Schedule

(Subject to change without prior notice)

Group Name Age Daily Fee
Infants & Toddlers 6wks - 2yrs $158/day
Junior Kindy & Senior Kindy 2yrs - 3yrs $158/day
Pre-Prep 4yrs - 5yrs $158/day

What you need to bring


Wide Brim Hat

Your first sun smart hat is supplied by Play and Learn

Water Bottle

To keep children hydrated throughout the day


So little feet get used to wearing shoes

Linen & Blankets

Toddlers to Pre Prep need to supply sheets to fit a 130x58cm bed.

Spare Clothes

2 Complete sets of spare clothes for water play or lunch time adventures

Preferred Formula

In case your child cannot have the S26 provided


That special item your child will find comfort in, ie dummy or blankey

A Bag

To put everything into morning and afternoon

Upcoming Events


Centre Re-opens

January 3, 2023

Centre Re-opens


Chinese New Year

January 22, 2023

Chinese New Year


Australia Day Celebrations/Water Play Day

January 25, 2023

Australia Day Celebrations/Water Play Day


Australia Day – Centre Closed

January 26, 2023

Australia Day – Centre Closed


World Wetlands Day

February 2, 2023

World Wetlands Day


Waitangi Day Celebrations

February 4, 2023

Waitangi Day Celebrations


Valentine’s Day

February 14, 2023

Valentine’s Day


Tooth Fairy Show

February 16, 2023

Tooth fairy Show


Love your Pet Day

February 20, 2023

Love your Pet Day


Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day)

February 21, 2023

Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day)


Clean up Australia Day

March 5, 2023

Clean up Australia Day


Holi Festival of Colour

March 8, 2023

Holi Festival of Colour


Henny Penny Arrive

March 13, 2023

Henny Penny Arrive


St. Patrick’s Day

March 17, 2023

St. Patrick’s Day


Harmony Day

March 21, 2023

Harmony Day


World Water Day

March 22, 2023

World Water Day


International Children’s book day

April 2, 2023

International Children’s book day


Easter Parade (TBA)

Event Date

Easter Parade (TBA)


Good Friday – Centre Closed

April 7, 2023

Good Friday – Centre Closed


Easter Monday – Centre Closed

April 10, 2023

Easter Monday – Centre Closed


Earth Day

April 22, 2023

Earth Day


ANZAC Day – Centre Closed

April 25, 2023

ANZAC Day – Centre Closed


Labour Day – Centre Closed

May 1, 2023

Labour Day – Centre Closed


Compost Awareness Week (7th - 13th)

May 7, 2023

Compost Awareness Week (7th - 13th)


Mother’s Day

May 14, 2023

Mother’s Day


International Day of Families

May 15, 2023

International Day of Families


National Sorry Day

May 26, 2023

National Sorry Day


Reconciliation Week (27th - 3rd)

May 27, 2023

Reconciliation Week (27th - 3rd)


Ocean Life Show

June 2, 2023

Ocean Life Show


World Environment Day

June 5, 2023

World Environment Day


World Ocean Day

June 8, 2023

World Ocean Day


World Refugee Day

June 20, 2023

World Refugee Day


NAIDOC Week (2nd - 9th)

July 2, 2023

NAIDOC Week (2nd - 9th)


Teddy’s Bear Picnic

July 10, 2023

Teddy’s Bear Picnic


National Pyjama Day

July 21, 2023

National Pyjama Day


National Schools Tree Day

July 28, 2023

National Schools Tree Day


Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day

August 4, 2023

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day


Kindy Photo Day (10th & 11th)

August 10, 2023

Kindy Photo Day (10th & 11th)


Science Week (12th - 19th)

August 12, 2023

Science Week (12th - 19th)


Book Week (19th - 26th)

August 19, 2023

Book Week (19th - 26th)


National Wattle Day

September 1, 2023

National Wattle Day


Father’s Day

September 3, 2023

Father’s Day


Children Protection Week (3rd - 10th)

September 3, 2023

Children Protection Week (3rd - 10th)


Bravehearts Show (TBA)

Event Date

Bravehearts Show (TBA)


International Day of Peace

September 21, 2023

International Day of Peace


World Animal Day

October 4, 2023

World Animal Day


World Teacher’s Day

October 5, 2023

World Teacher’s Day


Children’s Week (22nd - 29th)

October 22, 2023

Children’s Week (22nd - 29th)


Universal Children’s Day

October 25, 2023

Universal Children’s Day


Grandparents Day

October 29, 2023

Grandparents Day


Halloween Disco Party

October 31, 2023

Halloween Disco Party


Recycleman Show

November 1, 2023

Recycleman Show


National Recycling Week (6th - 13th)

November 6, 2023

National Recycling Week (6th - 13th)


Melbourne Cup Day

November 7, 2023

Dress to impress


Remembrance Day

November 11, 2023

Remembrance Day


Diwali Day

November 12, 2023

Diwali Day


Children’s Christmas Party (TBA)

Event Date

Children’s Christmas Party (TBA)


Pre-Prep Graduation (TBA)

Event Date

Pre-Prep Graduation (TBA)


International Day of People with Disabilities

December 3, 2023

International Day of People with Disabilities


Christmas Day

December 25, 2023

Christmas Day


CENTRE CLOSED (25th - 2nd)

December 25, 2023

CENTRE CLOSED (25th - 2nd)

Contact Details

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